
Future Communications – Amazing Demonstration of Mind Reading Using Special Headset

10 Impressive Predictions for the Future of Cars

The future of the automobile has limitless potential, so just thinking about it can elicit giddy anticipation. From remote controlled parking to intelligent accelerators, a new adaptation is in the works for almost every detail of your car. Most of the technologies listed below have already been created or are nearing completion, meaning they could become available in the near future. It won’t be long before driving — if you even have to drive — becomes as low-maintenance, safe and easy as riding a bicycle.

1. Your car may be able to drive and fly: A list of predictions related to the future of cars wouldn’t be complete without pointing out the possible emergence of a flying car. It’s closer to happening these days, as Dutch manufacturer PA-V Europe has been perfecting the PAL-V One, which is a three-wheeled vehicle that’s capable of land and air travel. It seats one person, travels up to 125 mph on the ground, flies at 97 knots, climbs 800 feet per minute and has a range of 280 miles. Owners in both Europe and the States will be required to have sports aviation licenses before they operate the PAL-V One when it becomes available in the near future — 2011. If it proceeds as schedule, it may be the precursor of what can be achieved with flying cars.

2. Your car will have a remote controlled parking system: Before drivers become completely unnecessary, remote controlled parking will be a feature added to many models. Currently, BMW is in the process of refining the function, which it initially presented in 2006. The objective is to allow drivers to step out of their vehicle and let the car do the rest of the work. Activation of the automatic parking maneuver enables the car to autonomously park itself into a narrow garage using its sensor system. No longer will it be necessary for drivers to transform into Gumby in order to emerge from confined parking spaces.

3. Your car will still be slower than a hybrid Ferrari: Who said hybrid is a synonym for lame? In the near future, Ferrari plans to produce a hybrid supercar, the Hy-Kers, that’ll quench the need for performance while burning fuel efficiently and leaving a smaller footprint on the environment. The 599 GTB Fiorano was the inspiration for the design due to its low center of gravity that preserves interior space. Amazingly, the Hy-Kers’ motor weighs just 88 pounds, produces 111 horse power and enables the car to go zero to 60 in just 3.5 seconds. Ferrari’s knowledge of kinetic energy recovery systems, which is technology previously used in Formula 1 racing, was utilized in the design. The cost of making the Hy-Kers was high, so expect a price tag typical of your modern Ferrari and then some.

4. Your car will have intelligent tires: You may not fully appreciate the function of your car’s tires. Some people drive miles upon miles with insufficient air pressure or worn treads until they’re stranded alongside the road. But that could change in the coming years with the introduction of an intelligent tire, which comes equipped with sensors that measure pressure, g-force, temperature and load. Drivers are alerted if their tires detect a heavy load that requires a change in pressure. What’s more, they also alert the driver if the tread is wearing down, indicating that it’s time for a change. Their aptitude for recognizing different driving situations is remarkable, so the driver will know everything necessary in order to maximize the efficiency and safety of their car.

5. Your car will have an intelligent accelerator: Continental has developed an Accelerator Force Feedback Pedal (AFFP) that warns drivers of potential hazards and encourages fuel-efficient driving. Haptic feedback signals are used to assist the driver, changing the foot pressure from stiff to light. For example, when an upshift or downshift is needed, it can pulse twice. The benefit is that the drivers respond better to direct feedback from the pedal than with visual information, allowing them to maintain focus on their surroundings.

6. Your car will have an intelligent steering system: Safety will be enhanced with the addition of emergency steer assist systems that complements your emergency brake systems. Continental’s system kicks in when a car can no longer stop in time to avoid an accident, steering the car in a safer direction. It corresponds with the electric steering rack in order to adjust torque depending on the direction, and then indicates the appropriate steering motion. Continental asserts that because many vehicles are already equipped with the necessary accompanying technology, emergency steer assist can be implemented smoothly and inexpensively.

7. Your car will respond to traffic signals: We can again thank German ingenuity for this pending innovation. Audi is in the process of perfecting a traffic management system that’s a cog in the “car-to-x communication” movement, or Vehicle Infrastructure Integration initiative, which is described in the following list item. Signals are relayed from traffic lights to the car, informing the driver of the necessary speed to travel so that the next light turns green before they reach it, how long they need to wait before a red light switches to green, and when an approaching light turns yellow. The feature will be a saver of time and money for everyday drivers.

8. Your car will benefit from Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) : Researchers are currently developing technology that’ll make cars aware of their surroundings. With the combination of GPS navigation, advanced on-board computers, wireless communications and vehicle sensors, vehicles may be able to recognize threats on the roadway and alert drivers. Other useful information that could be relayed to the driver includes travel time and weather conditions, allowing drivers to efficiently plan their trips. Of course, you can already find weather and traffic reports using your GPS devices and phones, but the difference is that the operation of such gadgets must be initiated by you, which is dangerous when you’re driving.

9. Your car will take over if you become incapacitated: Autonomous driving is one step closer to becoming a reality thanks to BMW. In the future, when a driver becomes incapacitated, the car will assume their duties and move the car to a safe location away from traffic. The innovation is made possible by the integration of GPS systems and road vision from video cameras, which enabled the recently tested 5-series to identify its location and make a move based on its surrounding environment. Additionally, after the car has been pulled to safety, BMW Assist calls for medical assistance.

10. Your car won’t need a driver: Primitive versions of the driverless car have been constructed and tested since the 1970s, though some of the most impressive of those vehicles weren’t driven 100 percent autonomously. In recent years, efforts have been undertaken to build a capable driverless car for the consumer. General Motors announced in 2008 that they may have driverless cars on the road by 2018, which isn’t completely unachievable given the technology that has recently been developed and tested by Google — yes, that Google and BMW.

Political future – Internet governing system

Politics has always been there. Though its most common interpretations are thought as the Whitehouse, Number 10 and parliaments across the world, it is without doubt much deeper than that. From leaders of cults, Pharaohs to leaders of political systems of modern times; no matter what angle you look at these, they represent leaders of groups of people. These people had the ability to move their era of that time into a different form of change, whether that be for better or for worse. But is this change possible in the 21st century?

It is of course much more complicated and requires a lot of time and effort to seek an orientation that fits for the modern world. However, from the lack of change shown by political leaders in this century, there is a huge demand for someone to bring about this change; bring new ideas to the table rather than dishing around the same salt.

The obvious question is who? But do not jump from one line to the next, as this is not the question that should be observed but questioned at a later date. The real question that needs answering is “Where is it possible?” Is there a gap in politics that has been missed out, in which someone could step into and bring stronger connections to people by introducing a new political system? The answer is yes, and you’re using it right now.

The internet is without doubt one of the best inventions of the 20th century, as future generations will be able to use it not just for leisure but to help them in all aspects of life; from education to meeting that special someone who will evolve your life. But can it be governed? Well, theoretically it is governed, governmental departments will investigate any website that have potential terrorist plotters or intervene where huge illegal activities are occurring. But, as we all know there are many question marks. What is the barrier of illegal downloads such as music; why are democratic governments trying to take down wikileaks, when they are simply providing information that they clumsily lost. After all, if the Taliban got their hands on the most advantageous of this information originally, would they be expected to just hand it over? Of course not.

There are, obviously, many debates about wikileaks on whether it is right or wrong. But out of the blue attacks to try and imprison their founder for supposed “sex allegations” that repeatedly oscillated between rape, sex and not wearing a condom is quite absurd. But the real issue is the story behind the story.

As the internet produces more problems for governments, they will introduce more methods to regulate it. Within the next decade, downloading your favourite music, games, software and applications may become more uncomfortable as Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) are required to look at your activities more closely and even block websites and regularly block up to date proxies. This will of course cost them a fortune and hence you too, as internet prices will no doubt have to go up to afford this new regulation. This will no doubt make the internet experience less fulfilling and will destroy many online communities across the world. Though, the major worry is still at hand.

What if the government’s themselves introduced their own regulatory bodies that looked not just at certain sites, but introduced a major shake-up of artificial intelligence to spy on your personal details? They would claim it is for your safety, you would claim it is a step to far. But, perhaps it would not be too bad. All the major websites would still exist and fraud sites will be greatly targeted and brought down, saving you weeks of frustration if you happened to use one. In addition, websites such as Facebook and Twitter would face major shakes up to tackle bullying, abuse and paedophilic groups. In fact, a lot of these are advantages, what are governments waiting for?

But, the main issue is that the world is still a very different place individually. Some governments would concentrate their efforts on one topic more than another resulting in an uneven internet. Hence, we are brought to our very first point; it takes one person out of one group of people to change something. An international internet political system constructed to help keep the internet sustainable, without going off in tangents within different countries. So, what control over the internet would governments have then? Zero control, unless the term and agreements were breached in what the associated country signed up for. But, even this idea has deeper benefits. You could kill not two birds with one stone, but actually three birds with one stone.

Firstly, a new internet governing system would be created, helping to tackle serious issues with the internet but without destroying the “free community” structure that co-exists with these serious issues. In addition, politics could be reformed; an international internet political system can show to the world how politics should be truly done. Of course it would have to be a democratic, no corruptive and fully concrete structure if it is global.

Members of the internet political system would persistently have their jobs on the line, and if too many loose feet are apparent, their ‘constituency’ will be able to sack them.

But there is even a third important factor, Global Digital Divide. As we grow as human beings, we’re facing global issues that at the moment are having little independent affects but in the future could lead to economical instabilities including distribution of food & clean water, global warming, climate change, rich & poor gap, education gaps and unequal opportunities. Fixing these issues perfectly is impossible, but as human beings it is in our nature to limit ourselves towards a scenario that is similar to these perfections. Fixing, or should we say, trying to fix global digital divide may very well be the first step.

Technology has shown to increase food production, clean water availability, free educational resources, better opportunities and even teach us more about the environment and our local climate. Providing an exponential quantity to lower economic developed countries is an expensive yet attainable way or beginning to solve these issues.

But who would be in charge of this process? Well hopefully you’ve noticed the loophole, the Global Internet Political system, or now better worded Global Internet & Technology Political system could provide this new effort. Evidently issues regarding taxation, democratic structure and timeline are all unanswered and have to be answered by the group of people who take up this challenge.

The final question which I will not answer until the next article is as follows, “Is this world economically ready for an exponential increase in technology?” Without a doubt, technology has increased majorly in the past century, but logic tells you were a far from its maximum efficiency that it has to offer human beings.

Though this maybe the end of the article, it is not the end of the message it holds. If we are to revolutionise the internet and technology for ourselves and those who do not have access to it, then we must act this decade and not leave it for others to fiddle with. There are many issues with both outcomes on how the internet will be regulated, but of the options has the potential to solve more than just one issue. Hence, the people responsible for constructing this article are seeking others to help bring new ideas to the table.

Transportation Future – Solution to Eliminate Traffic Jams

75-80% of the cars in traffics has only one passenger and thats the driver…

This is great concept for developing the future of mobility with an aim to eradicate major city traffic problems worldwide.

Life in The Future Year 6000 And Beyond

Life beyond 6000AD! See how the world may look like in distant future in this interesting video